Alton Park connector project expands to link three unique South Chattanooga neighborhoods In 2018 Trust for Public Land (TPL) purchased...
Urban Vitality
We believe our urban core is the opportunity engine for our City. Benwood will continue to invest in supporting a thriving Downtown and surrounding urban neighborhoods — with vibrant cultural opportunities, great public spaces, and a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem — which, will in turn, help to drive the continued prosperity of our community as a whole.

Promoting vibrant cultural events and amenities that foster a sense of place and belonging for all Chattanoogans

Investing in a thriving Downtown as the heart and soul of our innovative economy and inclusive public realm

Helping to build great urban neighborhoods that have accessible housing, unique character, and strong resident leadership
Urban Vitality Stories
City in a Park
Chattanooga adopts a bold plan to make the most of its natural resources While most of Chattanooga was sleeping May...
Arts Expansion
Tivoli Theatre Foundation Envisions Performing Arts Center On a Tuesday morning in downtown Chattanooga, the Tivoli Theatre’s lobby smells of...